The Housing for Health incubator recently invited and heard from David Jacobs, Chief Scientist, National Center for Healthy Housing, United States on the recently launch World Health Organization’s (WHO) Housing and health guidelines….
Minister Nigel Scullion and the Australian Government appear to be ignoring their own 2017 review into the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing (NPARIH). Rather than increasing critical funding…
In November, HH published its initial views on the the Review. HH again calls on the government to immediately implement the Key Recommendations of the Review, in particular; Recommendation: A…
On 26 October 2017, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet published its ‘Remote Housing Review: A review of the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing and the…
“We need to find a way for the future houses”. Ms Wurrguwurrgu – Ramingining local councilor. The NT Government’s Remote Housing Program is in need of additional funding to deliver…
There are many reasons why we continue to work in tough places to improve housing and health. What we do is guided by core principles of which prioritise health, many…
News is cropping up of solar panels being installed in Aboriginal communities all over Australia. On 24 July, the Australian reported that the Northern Territory Government has installed over 10,000…
A year ago (July 2016) Healthabitat published this article about the impending NT election. Back then, both major parties were making big promises to construct houses and reduce crowding. In…
Design, specification, quality control and maintenance are key components to the successful application of Housing for Health – the guide. Borrowing from the same principles is The Indigenous Aged Care…
On 9 May, the Treasurer Scott Morrison put the 2017 budget to the Australian Parliament and said that it would “guarantee the essentials that Australians rely on” and would deliver…
Concerned with the loss of basic health hardware and infrastructure in the temporary nature of building for refugee camps, HH has been receiving these anecdotal reports from an international aid…
Back in 2006 the Federal Government amended the Northern Territory Aboriginal Land Rights Act to allow Aboriginal Land Councils to lease their towns to the Federal Government for up to…