Big Issues are a series of articles that will continue to discuss and challenge myths, omissions and sloppy thinking that impact badly on the design, construction and maintenance of housing and consequently people’s health.
The current stated policy aim of all Australian governments – reduce crowding in Indigenous housing. The following is quoted from the FaHCSIA website. “Improving housing conditions is essential to achieving improvements…
In Nepal, HH and our partners CHDS are constantly tripping over examples of non- government organisation solutions that favour the low initial capital cost toilet.
With the largest ever national Indigenous housing program (The National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing) being rolled out there is the promise that housing and health will improve by…
Show me the money… The National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing is very clear when it comes to stated goals and target numbers. The then current FaHCSIA Minister, Ms Jenny…
REMOVING WASTE SAFELY – The difference between a hole in the ground and effective sanitation. Recent work in Bangladesh highlights the important difference between building toilets and ensuring human waste…
Why are washing machines so important? some thoughts by Stephan Rainow, Nganampa Health Council (NHC) Skin Infection Chronic and recurrent skin infection is a major health problem for young…
This is a short story about the forces at work around the Venice Biennale. Healthabitat was invited to represent Australia in the Australian pavilion. For the first time at any…
Not too long ago, a Federal Housing Minister informed staff that the ideal policy briefing should be able to be written on the back of a drink coaster. HH is…
Housing for Health – the Guidehas been developed, co-ordinated and funded by Healthabitat with the help of a large and enthusiastic team. We acknowledge and thank the generous support from a broad range of contributors who have given their time and expertise to develop the Guide’s content and format.
THE DESIGNS AND FEEDBACK FROM THE WATER INNOVATION CHALLENGE By presenting feedback on the design work of the inaugural Water Innovation Challenge, 2014, Healthabitat acknowledges the skill and effort contained…