Rebuilding earthquake damaged houses in Nepal Part 2
This is the second instalment of the story explaining how to improve the earthquake resistance of village houses in Nepal. To catch up on the first part of the story and understand the context so critical to the work PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Having developed the engineering details needed to strengthen the houses, the Program needed to be clear about what it would and would not provide to village families.
- The family would design the size, shape and number of storeys of their house. Discussions with villagers in September 2015 indicated many would build back on the exiting foundations and the house footprint would remain the same.
- The construction materials would primarily be stone, mud mortar and timber beams most of which has been recovered from the demolished buildings.
- The families would have to build the house and have to pay for most of the works.
- The Program would calculate, with the family, the amount of subsidy to be paid. This would be based on calculations of the wall length, thickness, heights and the materials required.
- A contract between each family and the Program would specify the works needed, stages when payments would be made, the amount of each payment and the total amount to be paid.
- The Program would pay for the specific parts of the building works that strengthen the house.
- The Program would train construction team members to show them in detail how to make the strengthening works and leave adequate information about the process to enable the works to be built correctly.
- A subsidy to pay for those strengthening parts would be paid in stages as the work progressed to each family.
- Works would be checked to ensure the strengthening works had been properly installed and then the money paid to the family.
Part of the spread sheet that will be completed with each family. This notes the key dimensions of their new house and enables the immediate calculation of the costs involved.
The spread sheet calculates the quantities of materials needed for all the details of the stiffening layers and junctions for each specific house.
Finally a contract is printed that shows the subsidy to be paid to the family and stages when parts of the subsidy will be paid.