Newcastle students hold art auction for Nepal earthquake rebuilding
A successful art auction in Newcastle last weekend, linked 3 years of architecture students that have worked on projects in Nepal, local artists, architects with a crowd of enthusiastic and generous supporters.
HH would like to thank:
- Mel and Owen and their team of students and helpers for their extraordinary efforts before, during and after the event,
- Justin and the team from Schrieber, Hamilton Architecture for providing the venue,
- the many artists and architects who donated their work for the auction,
- the auctioneer who extracted the money from the willing victims,
- suppliers of food and drinks.

Owen gives some information about the auction and its purpose.
The event showed the power of a small, motivated group, fired up by their experiences working in Nepal, to assist in rebuilding after the earthquake by using all the skills they possess.
HH will give an update on the monies raised for Nepal and how the money will be used in the rebuilding process soon. Click on this link to see the work HH with partner Rotary and the local Nepali team are doing in Nepal. WORK NOW AND INTO THE FUTURE
At the event, Ramsey Awad, from the University of Newcastle, announced that the University of Newcastle (School of Architecture and Built Environment) and Healthabitat are close to finalising an agreement that will enable students of architecture (and maybe other disciplines in the future) to achieve course credit and assistance when undertaking future ‘housing for health’ studios, like the Nepal studios that have been run over the last 3 years with students from the University of Newcastle and other Australian universities.
Thanks to John Roberts, lecturer and design teacher at the School of Architecture and Built Environment for drafting the new course and Catherine Forbes, an ex EAA director, for overseeing the introduction of the course. Both have visited the Nepal projects and worked with visiting students and local teams.
Monies from the dissolved Emergency Architects Australia will also be used to help students participate in the real work of using their design skills to improve the lives of people.