Sago Studio 2015, completes more work in PNG

March 11th, 2015

Another Sago Studio, run by Sago Network, has been completed in Papua New Guinea.

This Studio worked in two communities and provided better water pumps and a trial of two types of composting toilets.

Sago Water Project 01 Training Day

Sago Water Project 02 Pump Installation

Checking the parts and assembling the new water hand pump

Sago Sanitation Project 01 Timber Sub Floor Copy

Local involvement in the construction of the toilet buildings 

HH is happy to be associated with Sago and with the assistance of the WorldSkill Foundation has added some support in the development of better hand pump technology. Data loggers combined with other ideas for assessing the use, effectiveness and local acceptance of the 2 composting toilets have also been put in place.

Sago Sanitation Project 06 Data Loggers

Data loggers will record use and be compared to interviews with local residents about how the toilets perform.

As always Sago worked closely with he community members and built local skills and maintenance capacity along with new infrastructure.

Visit the Sago Network site for more details.
