NEWS: Shelter NSW – “Governments need to step up to resolve the housing crisis”

October 21st, 2021

The Government has announced a Regional Housing Taskforce in response to increasing pressures on the supply and affordability of housing in Regional NSW.

Earlier this year, Shelter NSW independently committed to better understand and expose regional housing issues with the Regional Australia Institute (RAI).


Image from Shelter NSW


“In May, we formally engaged Regional Australia Institute (RAI) to undertake a detailed review of every local government area in regional NSW. They’ll be providing us with a detailed picture of the key housing issues – especially as they impact the lowest forty per cent of income earners. We’re funding this engagement with a grant from the NSW Government’s Social Sector Transformation Fund. It’s a great investment” said Engeler, Shelter NSW CEO.

With a focus on Wagga Wagga, Orange and Newcastle, Shelter NSW aims to advocate for, a dramatically increased stock of social, affordable and diverse specialist housing across the state. “The private housing market consistently fails low-medium income earners… especially… the lowest forty per cent of income earners”


“Through this project and our work, we hope to share innovative ideas between regions and with the Regional Taskforce. We will advocate to relevant Ministers and local Members of Parliament and generally sharpen our regional focus in future prebudget submissions and budget reviews”  said Engeler, Shelter NSW CEO.


The Taskforce

The Government’s Regional Housing Taskforce established in July 2021, is tasked with investigating regional housing issues and the planning barriers people are experiencing in buying, renting and building a place to live in the regions across NSW. Initially conducting a “major listening exercise… to hear from councils and representatives from community groups, the housing, not-for-profit and development sectors, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, business groups and members of the public” to identify the barriers. An independent report will be created that it will provide to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon Rob Stokes, outlining how we can better use the planning system to address housing needs and stimulate supply.


It is great to see attention focused on the regional areas. Healthabitat looks forward to the outcomes of Shelter’s independent research and hence innovative ideas and advocacy.

