New toilet blocks for Thangpal Dhap School, Nepal

School Sanitation and Health Project

Studio 2016 Bs Report 19 Feb 2016 Front View

Thangpal Dhap is in District 1 which was the worst hit district in the 2015 earthquake. All houses and the school had major damage. The school educates approx. 300 students from a range of ages from 4 to 18yrs of age and is currently operating with many temporary school buildings. The existing toilet block used by both students and villagers has a failing septic system and makeshift handwashing facility.

Studio 2016 Bs Report 19 Feb 2016 Team

Image: Student team during Sanitation Studio in Thangpa Dhap

In February 2016, the students attending the HH and University of Newcastle Sanitation Studio (SS) visited the site and in consultation with the school sited and designed 4 + 4 new toilets using SS 2015 Design and Construction Manual (see image above). HH O/S has modified the toilet design for changes discussed in May with the school and included a design for converting the existing toilet block into 2 x showers and tooth brushing facilities.

Construction will begin early November after the festival time. HH O/S and IWSH will help the Nepali building team by providing trades from WorldSkills for transfer of skills and site supervision.

Project Partners: IWSH, RAWCS, T&T, WorldSkills member countries.
