New Housing Guide review
The 2 day work session focused on the content (day 1) and form (day 2) of a NEW GUIDE
– have a structure that links housing to health with all issues prioritised
– be generated from Housing for Health survey data from over 7,500 houses in over 190 locations around Australia, each with 500 data items from a before and after survey, meaning over 3.7 million pieces of housing and living environment information on why houses fail or continue to function. Additional to this are the results of over 50 HH research and development projects completed since 2007.
– acknowledge that the detail of the NEW GUIDE comes overwhelmingly from housing in Indigenous Australia, but that over time the NEW GUIDE will expand to include more international content.
– be based on evidence, not changing policy directions or fashionable language
– provide a reference point for broader knowledge base about all issues relating to housing, the living environment and health.
will be released ‘online’ by mid year.
HH thanks all the skilled people that gave their time, at no cost, to initiate the NEW GUIDE. We also thank the University of Technology Sydney and staff for the use of a space to hold the session, again at no cost. We also thank the four student scribes who worked hard over the two days to capture all the decisions and directions of the NEW GUIDE.
* the final name of the GUIDE was discussed and agreed as the work session and will be revealed at the release.