Loss of Indigenous Housing Data
A staff member of the AIHW revealed:
We no longer have a contract with FaHCSIA to work on the FHBH data cubes, so will not be able to do any more updates to the data in the cubes. I have cc’ed our contacts in FaHCSIA into this email so they are aware of this.
So what happens to the ONLY consistent, independently verified data on Indigenous housing in Australia? Surely it does not disappear?
Is it a coincidence that the National Indigenous Housing Guide is also under threat after 12 years and 3 editions ? SEE THE BIG ISSUE#3 out now
Could it also be coincidence that Healthabitat is receiving more and more calls about the poor quality work done under the new big money $5.5bn National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing. If you have no publicly available data and no publicly available guidelines there is no yardstick to measure your results for the money spent.
As always, happy to hear the other side but in the meantime some direct questions to the Federal Government
– Why was the Fixing Houses for Better Health program stopped after 12 years ?
– Is it true that the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have no longer a contract with FaHCSIA to maintain the data cubes, and was this not a requirement proposed by an independent review in 2006?
– Is there any other source of national, detailed housing function data for Indigenous housing?
– Will a 4th edition of the National Indigenous Housing Guide ever be produced and when?