Safety and the 9 Healthy Living Practices

HLP 3. Removing waste water safely

HLP 3. Removing waste water safely

Waste water in the living environment can make people sick. If people come into direct contact with waste water, or if their water supply is contaminated with waste water, there is a greater risk of transmitting bacteria and viruses that cause disease. These risks are also increased if animals, vermin or insects that have been in direct contact with waste water can pass bacteria on to people.

Removing waste water safely from the house and surrounding living area, treating and managing to dispose of the waste water safely at a community level, is important for people’s health.

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The Housing for Health methodology is based on Safety and the 9 Healthy Living Practices. These Practices link your health and the place where you live, anywhere in the world. The Healthy Living Practices are prioritized on the basis of existing public health knowledge and their likely impact on health.
