Safety and the 9 Healthy Living Practices


When designing, upgrading or maintaining a house, immediate, life-threatening dangers are given the highest priority. We consider the following safety issues: Electrocution Gas explosion and asphyxiation Injury from fire Structural…

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HLP 1. Washing People

Being able to use functioning washing facilities reduces the spread of diseases, including diarrhoeal disease, respiratory disease, hepatitis and infections. The rates of these diseases in some Australian Indigenous communities are as high…

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HLP 2. Washing clothes and bedding

Being able to regularly wash clothes and bedding can help reduce the incidence of infectious diseases, such as diarrhoeal disease, respiratory infections, scabies and other skin infections.

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HLP 3. Removing waste water safely

Waste water leaks and overflows around the living environment can make people sick. Disease-causing bacteria can be transmitted if people or animals come into direct contact with waste water or if the…

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