Viva Las Vegas

October 10th, 2012

Hi there,
I am an investigative reporter in the US, KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV specifically, and am working on a story about a septic tank. I stumbled across Judith Torzillo’s animation on YouTube that provides an excellent visual aide about how septic tanks work. I would like to use it in my story. May I have your permission? Thanks in advance for your quick response as I am working on deadline for Wednesday, Oct. 10.

So, the septic tank animation designed to help Nepalese villagers and construction workers built and maintain septic systems to dispose of waste safely ends up as prime time TV material in the United States.

Permission granted and good luck with the story.

Elvis would be proud and declare “Viva Las Vegas” and he would look at the animation for certain CHECK ANIMATION AT YOUTUBE
