So journalists and tenants must be the problem!
Yes, another story about millions of dollars not achieving a functioning house, this time in the Northern Territory.
HH will get in first (before Darwin or Canberra make a press release) and assure you immediately (whilst you are reading this) that:
“all the were houses built according to some code, (click to read)
all the works were checked throughout construction by someone,
all works were quality assured by them and
the project came in on some budget.” (click to read)
So clearly the problem must rest with either the journalist or any Indigenous tenant who complains.
Well now that we have that sorted, what monies remain of the $5.5billion allocated for remote Indigenous housing can continue to be spent. (After 3 years of the 10 year program, no one seems to know how much has been spent or on what…let’s guess around $1bn)
Now that you mind is free from the worry of how large amounts of public money is being spent, you have time to read the same old journalist’s myths and the ill founded complaints of tenants that have plagued this national Indigenous housing program from the start.