PROJECT UPDATE: Housing for Health, Brownsville
The Brownsville Partnership has launched a new round of their Housing for Health (HfH) project in 275 apartments.
They are running the project via their Community Action for Healthy Homes program in Brownsville, Brooklyn, NYC, USA.

The Brownsville Partnership wall mural
This new round of the project draws together an exciting collaboration of financial and health providers including:
- United HealthCare Services (USA’s largest private health insurer and fifth largest corporation)
- The Robin Hood Foundation (NYC poverty fighting NGO)
- The New York and Presbyterian Hospital / Dalio Center for Health Justice
The project is further collaborating with local Brownsville community partnerships to run a referral-based project to survey and fix the 275 apartments in Brownsville for families most in need. This round of the project aims to not only improve the health of these 275 households but to draw on the expertise and depth of its new partners to analyse the financial and health outcomes of the project with the goal of expanding the project further.
The project collaborators are furthermore interested to use the work and its findings to influence public health discussion in the US around the critical importance improving housing has on health outcomes.
We would like to congratulate the partnership and collaborators on the success and momentum of this work. We look forward to continuing to support the team remotely and the survey-fix results.