In 32 years…
Over 10,000 houses!
264 Projects!
315,918 items fixed!
Over 50,000 people benefitted!
Finke Survey-Fix 2 Team Photo
In November 2022, Housing for Health (HfH) projects reached the milestone of 10,072 houses fixed nationally since 1990.
Healthabitat (HH) would like to acknowledge the origins of where all of this work and focus started on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands with Yami Lester and thank all the communities, team members, team leaders, project managers and partners who have made the work possible!
In 1985, the HH directors met for the first time working on the UPK (‘Uwankara Palyanku Kanyintjaku’) environmental health review on the APY Lands in the north-west of South Australia.
1985 From top left: Dr Soong, Malcolm Collings, Ivan Baker, Kawaki Thompson, Paul Pholeros, Tony Davies, Douglas Baker, Stephan Rainow, Glendle Schrader, Robert Stevens, Ray Blight, Jon Willis, Frank Young, Paul Torzillo, Yami Lester, Gary Lewis, Yangi Baker, Muntatjara Wilson, Nura Ward
In 1991, the first HfH project in Pipalyatjara, north-west South Australia began to evaluate the impacts of the UPK report. It was during this project that the preliminary HfH methodology was developed. Twelve houses were surveyed & fixed.
Pipalyatjara aerial map & UPK Report (1985)