Plumbers upgrade the final stage of school project

March 29th, 2017

Hh Os Final Logo Long

Turning up to any community or project, it’s essential we arrive with skilled trades. Why? Because to get the best outcome, skilled professionals are necessary to ensure a good job and transfer knowledge and skills to local teams. HH has been working this way since the late 1980’s in central Australia and has continued to maintain this approach to all international projects.

Most recently, IAMPO (IWSH) coordinated international plumbers Gerard Allen, Vilas Dain and Adam Koenigs and bricklayer Sam Spong to work onsite for two weeks in Nepal on the Thangpal Dhap Sanitation Project with local Nepali building team to help upgrade and improve the plumbing and construction of the toilet and shower blocks. As well, IAPMO Swathi Saralaya was on hand during the Sanitation Studio working with the team. The local Nepali team will use the skills and knowledge learned for the continued repair and maintenance of these facilities.

Healtbaitat Os Nepal Plumbing Swathi Saralaya3

Photos: Swathi Saralaya
