Nepali government & the earthquake building catalogue
It is now more than 12 months since the April and May quakes and the Nepali people have had little reprieve or support from their Government to rebuild their lives. Many have now lived through two wet seasons and are facing their second winter in temporary shelters. The valley where the earthquake hit hardest experiences sub zero temperatures at night, increasing the negative health impacts.
Amidst the many aftershocks that lasted months, the country passed a new constitution in September 2015 that resulted in the government dissolving and a new one formed. This constitution also proved divisive, prompting groups in the country’s south to blockade a key supply route from India, starving Nepal of fuel and other essentials.
More than $4 billion has been donated in the aftermath and yet the money has only trickled into the hands of some, without making an impact on rebuilding. The Government has issued The Design Catalogue for reconstruction of earthquake resistant houses as a guide for rebuilding which may be used to determine funding approvals by local municipal governments for families to receive the promised 200,000NRP.
During the HH Sanitation Studio, subsequent visits, and constant communication between program coordinators Bishnu Shrestha(Nepal), Teeth & Toilets & HH revealed, the Nepali people are resistant to building structures that might not conform to new standards, for fear they could be knocked down or miss out on government funding support.
Bhattedanda village has a long history with HH and , however communicating to the village the proposed earthquake banding for rebuilding will be safe, materials will be stockpiled and reused and the construction methods will not be a departure from traditional methods used has resulted in the signing of an agreement for first reconstruction house to be built. Villagers are confused as to what they should do and how best to repair their lives in the aftermath of such a devastating and disorienting time.
True to the HH methodology, the community must be the ones to guide the work and the first reconstruction house in Bhattedande will begin in Sept this year due to be completed ahead of the winter. Check back here for progress updates and reports on Nepal.
Fields useds as shelters after the earthquake. Many still living without permanent shelter.