Nepal Sanitation Studio 2013 … a year on

One of the results of the Sanitation Studio, run in early 2013, was a kit to help the local Nepal team site all the toilet and waste treatment system components.

Six students from the University of Newcastle (Australia) designed and built a sophisticated kit of parts that have been used throughout 2013 to site the toilet systems. The apparently simple full size templates of all the components link to a small model showing above ground and below ground parts of the system to the village family and cue cards explaining graphically the issues related to siting.

This has saved time, cost and enabled the local team to work closely with each village family when siting the components of each system to ensure safety, convenience and the best use of the valuable land.

HH again thanks the students involved and the continuing work of the local CHDS and village teams to improve sanitation in Nepal.

Pic 3  

making the bio-gas system fit on a restricted site is always a challenge 

Pic 1 

the family assesses the layout and discusses with CHDS

Pic 2 

recording the position of the components 
