Make Room India
HH has been invited to be Knowledge Partners at the “change makers room” in the upcoming forum Make Room India, held in Bengaluru (former Bangalore) in October. Coordinated in response to the joint commitment between the European Union and EU delegation to India to create an action agenda that aims to focus on four major areas of healthcare, inequality, climate change and education. The outcome of the 7 day forum will be the “Action Agenda for Change 2020” that will list scalable and sustainable solutions to local and global problems, of which we will embed the Housing for Health methodology as we’ve shown can be applied to any location or community in the world.
Healthabitat is currently the only organisation from Australia attending this event as a knowledge partner. We encourage others to attend and commit to the AAC once complete.
More from Make Room India below:
Changemakers Room 2016 is a seven day training forum, gathering 100 of the world’s most aspiring minds to identify current most pressing local and global problems. 100 change makers from all over the world will work closely with philanthropists, visionaries, global social change leaders, Nobel laureates, politicians, grassroots development practitioners and global non-formal education trainers to find innovative solutions to those local and global problems. Through role-play, research, case-studies, field visits, practical training and interactions with industry professionals change makers will enhance their diplomacy, negotiation, consensus-building, problem solving skills and cultural intelligence for leadership. Action Agenda for Change 2020 will serve as an official agreement among politicians and change makers to enforce solutions to prevent and stop the identified issues.
Action Agenda for Change 2020 (ACC2020) is a set of numerous innovative solutions to global issues to be adopted during the Change makers’ Room 2016, on the October 8th and executed during the following 4 years by 100 aspiring Action Agenda for Change ambassadors worldwide.
The Changemakers’ Room is designed to impact the entire world by: 1. creating well-defined, immediate action-oriented plan of change to be executed in the following four years; 2.creating a stronger, sustainable global change maker network; 3. electing 100 aspiring ambassadors of change executing innovative solutions worldwide