How to connect design, health, students and a really tough problem?
Question: How to solve a really tough problem with limited resources when the solution may help millions of people? Answer: Mix together some of the smartest young minds in the country and set them a 2x2x2x2 Challenge. In fact the Challenges will be run in a few states and the first will commence in Sydney and the next in Brisbane (CLICK here to see the Events page schedule)
Some clues about the Challenge;
- the problem is found in Africa and involves millions of people
- the cause of the problem is very, very small
- water, or the lack of it, is a big factor
- the Challenge involves 2 litres of water, 2 eyes, 2 hands and 2 days work
- if you are still having trouble seeing what the 2x2x2x2 is about ……….