HOME is where the heart is: a new NT Aboriginal Housing Forum
After major changes in Indigenous housing in Australia, particularly remote area housing over the last 7 years, the first signs of a positive move back to creating housing with Indigenous people just appeared. Read on below and the see the link to the press release for more details.
A landmark NT Aboriginal Housing Forum in Darwin has resolved to form a new NT Aboriginal Housing Body to tackle the worsening Aboriginal housing crisis in the NT.
The forum brought together about 150 delegates in Darwin on the 12-13th March to voice their concerns with the current housing management system in the NT, and to develop solutions and alternatives. Convened by the Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT , in conjunction with NT Shelter and the Central Australian Affordable Housing Company, the Forum brought together Aboriginal people living in remote communities, town camps and homelands along with national and international housing sector experts, community housing groups from across Australia, regional councils and government representatives