The sixteen decisions

April 1st, 2012

Developed between 1980 and 1984 (just ahead of the 9 HLPs), these principles were the conditions required by the bank to loan money to the poorest people of Bangldesh.

What started as a bold experiment of lending to the poor proved to be a world changing idea. The simple but pervasive myth that poor people would not repay loans as they were untrustworthy has been proven wrong.

Currently the Grameen Bank in Banglasdesh recovers in the high 90% range of all money lent to the poor while at the same time wealthy borrowers of other Bangladeshi banks default on loans at a far greater rate. 

Like the Housing for Health myths that have been, and remain, a major stumbling block for real progress in housing and health the core proposition is that the poor should be helped but not trusted. 

Money may provide short term help but cannot build trust. If you want to see the detail of each of the 16 decisions …. post a comment now 

16 Decisions
