The Nepal Sanitation Program update
Click here to download the full report.
total of 62 people.
CHDS Nepal is also running information sessions on handwashing and overall hygiene with the villagers.
The project also extended its activities to the Shree Kali Devi (SKD) school which is attended by
children from both villages. CHDS has conducted dental camps there and offered to establish a
school based toothbrushing program, as in Bhattedande. But the Principal of SKD school advised
there was no running water, and no functioning toilets, despite two previous (failed) toilet projects.
a re-design, extension and improvement of the existing infrastructure was agreed on, to include also 4
sinks and taps and a water storage tank. Now the students and staff have 5 safe and functioning
toilets, handwashing facilities, and yes, the dental program can begin!
Award requirements, brought international visitors to the project in early November.
Many skills and experiences were shared, and you will see the participants in the handover photos.
Thanks once again to the ongoing generosity and a big thanks to the recent fundraising efforts of the
Waste Not Want Not group.