PROJECT NEWS: Aputula/Finke Project Underway!
The beginning of the second NT project for 2022 in Aputula (Finke) was a success!
This Housing for Health Project is supported by Nganampa Health and in direct collaboration with The Fred Hollows Foundation, on behalf of a generous donor.
Survey Team Photo
The project running over one week trained and employed 10 local community members and surveyed 38 houses across the community. The teams inspected, tested and fixed up to 250 items in each house, identifying emergency works for the plumbers and electricians, employed by Tangentyere Constructions to immediately begin fixing.
The trades drove into town fully stocked with hardware, fixtures and fittings ready to begin the emergency fix works. The community members were very excited to see the electricians trailer in tow, stocked with some brand-new ovens anticipating replacements throughout the community;
It’s so good how quick things are getting fixed and replaced in this program, we usually have to wait months for a new oven”. (comment by team member)
Some critical health hazards were identified and fixed over this first week of the project, and at least 7 houses identified as requiring accessibility upgrades, including grab rail installations, ramps and balustrades. These major works and more will be scoped with these improvements completed by local builders over the next ‘major-fix’ phase of the project.
From Left to Right: Failed power point: ‘No Neutral’ can be a cause of electrical fires or electrocution | Locating and checking the water isolation valve | No bath spout makes bathing children hard
It was great to have two Nganampa Health EHWs on the project for the first time. Their local knowledge of language and culture was such a great bonus for the teams and the project. The PM and Healthabitat would like acknowledge their significant contribution to making SF1 a great success.
Healthabitat thanks the community for their support and for having the opportunity to work alongside them to improve health through improving housing.