Not just a hole in the ground – Student exhibition
“Not just a hole in the ground” is the perfect title for this exhibition of work by University of Newcastle students who participated in this year’s (2017) Sanitation Studio in Nepal.
The title references the difference between building solutions in quantity often at the expense of health and sanitation in poor countries, where the number of “holes in the ground” is valued over effective sanitation solutions. The Healthy Living Principle of Removing Waste Safely guides the focus of our work in Nepal and central to the student’s contribution to designing and siting new toilet buildings during the studio.
The exhibition opened on Friday 19th, some photos of the event supplied by student Emma Gaal and closes 6pm this Friday 26th, held at Alchemy Cafe, 488 Hunter St Newcastle.
All works are on sale, money raised has been pledged to support Healthabitat’s O/S* projects in Nepal and beyond.
* Healthabitat O/S (HH O/S) is a not-for-profit subsidiary of Healthabitat P/L (HH). HH O/S can provide tax-deductibility status to donors and receive donations online for its projects while remaining guided by the methodologies and principles of the Australian work created and managed by HH. All surplus funds must be spent on projects.