Have you been to school?
HH encountered this lack of basic facilities when our partners CHDS (Nepal) and Rotary were trying to establish a tooth brushing program, in parallel with the two current sanitation projects in nearby villages, at the local school. Their aim was to establish hand basins for teeth cleaning and hand washing …the lack of working toilets was a saddening surprise.
The local villagers and school staff emphasised the importance of the toilets, hand washing and tooth brushing program and noted that many young girls will not attend school if there are no toilet facilities and the boys must use the surround edges of the playground ….so the situation is very bad.
We need to make some basic changes to allow existing toilets to be repaired and newer toilets to be drained so they can be used. Then install and drain hand basins for hand washing and teeth cleaning.
The school has offered to contribute water tanks and labour / money to help the works but we need more and urgently.
The HH preliminary plan for action has been approved by Rotary and sent to the school via our CHDS Nepal partners, and once funds are available we will start design and construction works.
If you have ever been to primary school and used a toilet ….lend this project a hand
If you were a young woman attending primary school and used a toilet that worked and was private … lend this project a hand.
Think about your own children not having a working toilet at their school and … lend this project a hand.
If your school can help with even a few hundred dollars, HH will guarantee the design work, supervision of the works and that all monies will get to the toilet works and that the CHDS Nepal local team will ensure a great result, and with Rotary’s assistance, more teeth will be brushed and protected.