February 23rd, 2022

We acknowledge the remarkable legacy Paul Pholeros (PP) has left with us, which continues to inspire us and many others.


A snapshot taken from the IAPMO conference, September 2021.


A snapshot taken from the IAPMO conference in September 2021, sums it all up. The ‘why’ is what the work of Healthabitat is based on, and clearly the charitable arm of IAPMO IWSH as well.

Paul Pholeros was a founding director and and driving force of Healthabitat (HH).  HH grew from the principles in the “Uwankara Palyanku Kanyintjaku,” (UPK) Report 1987 – a plan to stop people getting sick. ‘Why’  the work was done in 1987 was because peoples’ living environment was linked to poor health. Today, this is still the case, and this is what continues to drive us forward.

Paul Pholeros would be the first to say that Healthabitat and the Housing for Health work was never about a single person, it was about stopping people getting sick. As one part of this work (albeit a large one) Paul was a brilliant leader, a dogged and creative problem solver and a deep believer in the power of people. Paul’s contribution to the collective work of Healthabitat continues to be an inspiration for us and many others.

The Housing for Health work and project method puts the person and their health at the centre, connecting them to the parts of their living environment needed to stay healthy – The 9 Healthy Living Practices.

35 years later, this priority has not changed.
