Incremental improvement

This has been the case with the toilet and water point maintenance assessment system being developed by WASSUP (Sth Africa) and some very talented architecture students in Australia.

The need for the maintenance assessment was first proposed in December 2013 by WASSUP in Diepsloot.

WASSUP wanted better ways to record the work that was needed and the works completed to ensure improved toilet, water point and drainage function.

Students from the University of Sydney, who attended the Nepal Sanitation Studio in January this year, were the first to tackle a similar problem for the Nepal Sanitation Program. Their work in Nepal led to an efficient system now used by the local team to assess and record maintenance.

The Diepsloot Sanitation Workshop held in Sydney gave the same students a chance to tackle the problem again, this time for WASSUP in South Africa.

Version 1 was developed during the Sydney workshop, then modified after comments from WASSUP, then used in the recent construction stage in Diepsloot and modified again. Now in Version 2.2, the system is ready for another testing by WASSUP in the field.

The result may look simple but contains hundreds of hours of thinking, drawing and testing time. thanks to all involved for a valuable and constantly evolving tool to help improve maintenance, function and health.

Diepsloot Manual 2.2 Page 1

The field work sheet for Version 2.2

Diepsloot Manual 2.2 Page 3

The reference sheet, with detailed descriptions of all the tests, that can be used to train new staff.
